Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Midight Demons

Midnight. Why is it these thoughts always come to plague me at midnight? For the last hour or so  I’ve been staring at the ceiling fan spinning like a ballerina on crack, threatening to break off from whatever it is that holds it in place. Very much like my life at this moment, barely holding on by the last screws, waiting for another disappointment to come along and finish off with it. What once was a room I looked forward to now seems empty and lugubrious.  Suddenly I can see every defect on the walls, every crack, every stain, and every imperfection. The grey walls seem to echo the sad thoughts that take up residence within my skull, and even the reflections in the mirror seem to stare back at me in disapproval. I find myself at another dead end. It was a brewing for some time now, but it finally boiled over. I can’t stand it anymore.
Unemployment has a way of kicking your ass like that, ask anybody. I’ve been without a job for about two months now and I am finally feeling the strain.  I’ve been submitting applications left and right to no avail. The sad thing is I attended school last year for training in the Medical field and that has proven to be a tree that bears no fruit. Money down the drain.   What I was slowly molding into a comfortable existence is now falling apart quicker than I care to admit. My cell phone service has been interrupted, I don’t drive to conserve the little gas I have left in the car, and I’ve had to resolve to ask for money to buy my cigarettes. That last one is how I truly know I’m in a shit hole, not being able to support my own vices. Pathetic. But life goes on as miserable as it may be.
You would think I would have it easier given I have a man to fall back on. Don’t get me wrong, he helps in any way he can, and I’m sure if it weren’t for him I would truly be lost. But the thing is he doesn’t understand my forlorn state of mind. He feels I’m in my current situation due to a lack of trying, and that’s what hurts me the most. Sometimes I feel as if I have nobody to turn to and that is why in turn I am reaching out to you, any reader who has the misfortune to come across my blog.
So throw me a pity party! I know whining about my problems never got me anywhere, but at this point that is all I can do. Get it off my chest in the hopes that tomorrow will be different. That tomorrow will be the day I get a call for a job. That tomorrow I won’t have to smoke charity cigarettes. Wishful thinking. But for now I’ll just listen to the metallic groans of the wobbly ceiling fan I mentioned before, the never ending barking of the mutts on the street, and the Rancheras blasting from the house next door. The neighbors have had one too many tonight… again. Here’s hoping that I will eventually dose off and get some sleep which is the only time my mind is at ease.


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